The first Council of Mayors of the 2017 CVA Presidency, held by Toulouse, took place on 12 May 2017.

Jean-Claude Dardelet, the CVA Vice President Delegate, welcomed the CVA members to the City Hall, at the Capitole.
The Mayor of Colleferro, Pierluigi Sanna, attended for the first time a CVA Council of Mayors and was joined by a Delegation from ASI, the Italian Space Agency, interested in becoming a CVA member. A highlight of the meeting was the reapplication of the City of Vernon.

In 2018 the CVA Presidency will be held by the City of Les Mureaux and Mayor François Garay introduced his plans for the next year, that will be held in partnership with Airbus Safran Launchers. Discussed were also future evolutions of CVA, including new memberships and programmes in line with a changing environment. A full programme including visits to the Saint Sernin basilica and the 13th century sky maps as well as to the Jolimont observatory had been organised by the Toulouse Presidency.

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